On-site participation in this event will be limited due to COVID-19 protocols.
Members and pledges of all chapters are encouraged to participate off-site by making a $10 donation to the Fleece Fund. This will provide the material that will be used to make blankets for underserved families.
Chapters donations will be tracked here:
Pacific Coast Region
Xi Pi - U of Redlands - $10
Lambda Sigma - CSU Fullerton - $30
Pi Sigma - U of California Irvine - $15
Omicron Sigma - U of California San Diego - $25
Inland Empire Alumni - $75
Orange County Alumni - $10
South Pacific Region
Lambda Phi - CSU Long Beach - $340
Tau Omega - U of LaVerne - $40
Rho Chi - U of Hawaii Manoa - $10
Delta Sigma - Loyola Marymount U - $10
Eta Chi - Cal State Poly University-Pomona - $15
Pier 9 - Long Beach Alumni - $85
Los Angeles Alumni - $20
Pomona Valley Alumni - $20
North Hollywood Alumni - $25
Donations may be made using the following services:
GoFundMe: https://gf.me/u/y6i67z (Preferred)
VenMo: @dsp-treasurer
PayPal: ieactreasurer@dspie.org
Chapters with members who have donated to the Fleece Fund will be fully recognized as having participated in the event.